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Peacekeeping Resource Hub

The Peacekeeping Resource Hub hosts relevant peacekeeping guidance and training materials for Member States to train prospective peacekeepers. It contains both guidance and training documents on a variety of thematic areas including on Child Protection,

Peacekeeping Training

Peacekeeping training is a strategic investment that enables UN military, police, and civilian personnel to effectively implement increasingly diverse mandates. It is defined as any training activity which aims to enhance mandate implementation by equipping UN military, police or civilian personnel, both individually and collectively, with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to meet the evolving challenges of UN peace operations in accordance with principles, policies and guidelines, as well as lessons learned from the field; perform their specialist functions in an effective, professional and integrated manner; and demonstrated the core values of competencies of the UN.

In General Assembly Resolution A/RES/49/37 (1995), Member States recognised their responsibility for the training of uniformed personnel for UN peacekeeping operations and requested the Secretary-General to develop training materials and establish a range of measures to assist Member States in this regard.

Since 2007, the Integrated Training Service of the Department of Peace Operations has served and continues to serve as the responsible centre for UN peacekeeping training.

Main Training Services

The Civilian Pre-Deployment Training (CPT) is one of the primary tools used by DPO/DOS to improve preparedness, effectiveness and productivity of civilian peacekeepers. It helps generate competent, institutionally knowledgeable, and ethically aware civilian peacekeepers capable of serving in dangerous and complex peacekeeping environments. ITS has a dedicated team that delivers CPT at the United Nations Regional Service Centre in Entebbe, Uganda.

Member States are responsible for delivering the pre-deployment training (PDT) to all personnel provided to United Nations peacekeeping operations, in accordance with General Assembly resolution A/RES/49/37. The curriculum should be based on UN peacekeeping pre-deployment training standards and materials, that ITS develops and updates.

ITS delivers and continuously updates the training programmes for senior staff in field missions, including the ten-day senior mission leaders’ (SML) course that prepares participants for mission leadership roles; the mandatory five-day Senior Leadership Programme (SLP) for newly appointed senior leaders; the eight-day mission advanced staff training (MAST) to strengthen the professional preparation of P5-D1 staff for field mission management; and the enhanced training for high-level operational support (ETHOS) to grow the pool of middle to senior management.

These courses address the training needs of those who are responsible for mission management from the highest levels (SRSG, DSRSG, Force Commander or Head of Military Component, Police Commissioner) to Directors and senior managers of substantive and support components.

ITS provides substantive support on training-related issues, such as conducting training needs assessment and evaluation, advice on training development, methodology and delivery for specialist trainers in DPO, DOS and to field-based trainers. ITS also supports Integrated Mission Training Centres (IMTCs) with operational guidance and advice.

ITS organizes and provides on-site assistance to Member States, Peacekeeping Training Institutions (PKTIs) and Field Missions through Mobile Training Support Teams and conducts Training Recognition exercises on peacekeeping training delivered by external training institutions.

ITS Roles and Responsibilities

The Integrated Training Service (ITS) serves as the responsible centre for peacekeeping training. ITS develops training standards, policies, and guidance materials; develops and delivers cross-cutting peacekeeping training; oversees peacekeeping training activities and provides related technical support. ITS develops training materials for use in Pre-deployment training (EN)(ES)(FR), Reinforcement training (RTP), and Specialised training (STM). The Service also coordinates knowledge and information management activities related to training for the benefit of peacekeeping and special political missions, Headquarters, and Member States, and hosts the Light Coordination Mechanism.

ITS develops general and mission-specific pre-deployment peacekeeping training standards and materials and conducts civilian pre-deployment and cross-cutting training and management development programmes. The training services also work in partnership with Member States and their associated peacekeeping training institutions and specialist trainers in DPO/DOS and Integrated Mission Training Centres (IMTCs). ITS establishes cross-cutting peacekeeping training strategies, implements work plans, and is at the centre of planning and reporting on the training budget for DPO and DOS, providing a programmatic and substantive review of reports, briefing notes, statements and other documents and communications on and advocacy for peacekeeping training.

ITS Resources, Materials, and Reports

The e-Guide is an induction and reference tool to the Pillar, and to those offices that support it. Jointly developed by DPO, DPPA and DOS, this online tool provides details on the functions and objectives of the Peace and Security Pillar and supporting offices. It also serves to complement the face-to-face induction course organised for new DPO, DPPA and DOS staff. In addition to information on the three Departments, the e-Guide includes modules on peacekeeping and special political missions, Security Council and General Assembly bodies, Secretariat Departments, and Agencies, Funds and Programmes collaborating with the Peace and Security Pillar. The e-Guide also includes learning, guidance and communication resources for staff as well as practical information on working at UN Headquarters. The e-Guide will help forge a better shared understanding of the Peace and Security Pillar for both new and current staff.

Note: We recommend downloading the PDF to your desktop and opening it with an adobe PDF reader to ensure the full functionality of the e-Guide.

These courses are accessible to all staff via INSPIRA > "Main Menu" > "Self Service" > "Learning" > "My Learning" > “Browse Catalog" > “Working for the UN" > “Induction Training".

United Nations Volunteers and uniformed personnel may also have access to the courses via the site by using their INSPIRA LMS account > "Main Menu" > "Self Service" > "Learning" > "My Learning" > Enter the Course Title in "Search Learning Catalog" pane. 

This online training course, which forms part of the mandatory Mission-Specific Induction Training for UN Peacekeeping Personnel, is intended for all peacekeeping personnel to enhance their knowledge of the United Nations values and competencies. Integrating competencies into the Organisation is an ongoing process. Through the course, learners are urged to use and observe the competencies in their daily work and in discussing staff development and performance management issues. 

This online training course, an integral part of the mandatory Mission-Specific Induction Training for UN Peacekeeping Personnel, discusses the roles of components of the UN peacekeeping operations, outlines positions of authority, and explains the relationship between the support and substantive components of a peacekeeping mission.

This online training course, which forms part of the mandatory Mission-Specific Induction Training for UN Peacekeeping Personnel, explores the transmission and means of prevention of HIV and AIDS, ways of treatment and support in missions, and ways to deal with the stigma associated with HIV and AIDS. 

This online training course, an integral part of the mandatory Mission-Specific Induction Training for UN Peacekeeping Personnel, covers topics on United Nations mission aviation operations, the DPKO/DFS Safety Management System, and aviation emergency process, among others to increase the knowledge and awareness of all peacekeeping personnel about aviation safety.

This online course, which forms part of the mandatory Mission-Specific Induction Training for UN Peacekeeping Personnel, discusses gender concepts, mandates and policies on gender, and how the United Nations mainstreams gender into peacekeeping operations.

This online course on Landmines and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and Other Explosive Hazards is part of the mandatory Mission-Specific Induction Training for UN Peacekeeping Personnel. It has been developed to outline the threats posed by landmines, unexploded ordnances (UXO) and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to United Nations staff, peacekeepers and aid workers operating in mine-affected areas and the actions being taken to mitigate these threats.

This is a 3-4 hour self-paced course to introduce newly appointed personnel to UN peacekeeping operations. It provides a basic understanding of the evolution of peacekeeping, its composition, decision making bodies and mandates. The course is intended for all personnel of UN peacekeeping missions including international and national civilian staff, United Nations Volunteers, Military and UN Police. Other e-learning courses are also available for staff.


The 2010 Policy on Training for all United Nations Peacekeeping Personnel set by the Departments of Peacekeeping Operations and Field Support (DPKO-DFS), determines that the Integrated Training Service (ITS) has the responsibility to conduct periodic training needs assessments (TNAs), to identify what priority training is required to implement Security Council mandates. All training needs assessments conducted by the Integrated Training Service are available below.

Formed Police Unit Command Staff Training Needs Assessment

Conducted in 2017-18, to identify training needs of commanders and command staff of Formed Police Units (FPUs) and gaps in pre-deployment training of FPU command staff.

Protection of Civilians Training Needs Assessment

Conducted in 2016-17, to identify performance gaps in the implementation of the UN Protection of Civilians (POC) mandate and identify where implementation can be strengthened through training in peacekeeping missions. The TNA assessed current POC training provided in those peacekeeping missions with their own POC mandate, determined the level of POC understanding and knowledge among peacekeeping personnel involved in the delivery of the POC mandate, identified integrated POC tasks mission to mission and made recommendations for a coherent and coordinated POC training strategy in order to address the identified gaps.

Global Peacekeeping Training Needs Assessment

Conducted in 2012-13, to determine the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for effective mandate implementation; identify performance and skills gaps that can be addressed through training; and assess current peacekeeping training activities and mechanisms.

ITS Structures

The Member States Support Team (MSST) liaises and works closely with OMA and PD on crosscutting thematic and peacekeeping-related issues. MSST takes part in pre-deployment visits and assessment and advisory visits to TCCs; supports OMA during operational readiness inspections to regional organisations; develops training materials (training-of-trainers, pre-deployment, specialised training materials); undertakes training recognition of police and military training courses organised by T/PCCs; and deploys mobile training teams (MTTs) to support military and police UN peacekeeping pre-deployment training.

The Field Training Support Team (FTST) coordinates and delivers pre-deployment training at Entebbe for civilian personnel up to D-1 level and Secretariat/OHR-led courses in UN field missions; provides guidance to IMTCs on mission training plans and budgets; develops reference guides and online courses for mission specific induction training; conducts training for mission trainers and training focal points, and induction training for staff at Headquarters; supports IMTC integration; conducts in-mission mobile training support; and acts as ITS information management focal point.

The Leadership, Management and Communications Team (LMCT) delivers training programmes for senior staff in field missions, including the ten-day senior mission leaders’ (SML) course that prepares participants for mission leadership roles; the mandatory five-day Senior Leadership Programme (SLP) for newly appointed senior leaders; the eight-day mission advanced staff training (MAST) to strengthen the professional preparation of P5-D1 staff for field mission management; and the enhanced training for high-level operational support (ETHOS) to grow the pool of middle to senior management.

The Training Policy and Standards Team (TPST) develops peacekeeping training guidance; assesses peacekeeping training needs; conducts training evaluations and monitors the implementation of policies and standards; develops doctrine, guidance frameworks and capability standards with DPO and DOS; reviews reports of the Secretary-General, resolutions and deliberative body decisions; identifies potential implications for peacekeeping training; and prepares reports to the Special Committee on Peacekeeping (C-34), other General Assembly bodies, and the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ).

The Programme Management Team (PMT) provides oversight on all administrative issues such as recruitment of personnel (including uniformed) and management of budgets of ITS donor funded projects; manages the peacekeeping support account training funds at Headquarters for DPO and DOS (some DPPA-DPO shared); manages funds for upgrading staff substantive and technical skill; liaises with OLA in preparing exchanges of letters; and liaises with DMPSC on financial transactions.

The Light Coordination Mechanism (LCM) aims to improve the coordination of training and capacity-building and strengthen the capacity of troop- and police-contributing countries (T/PCCs) to deploy personnel with the right mindset, capabilities, and equipment to peacekeeping missions. The LCM focuses on matching T/PCCs registered in PCRS with Member States willing to provide support for bilateral, or trilateral engagement.

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