Functional Training is made up of Specialised Training, Reinforcement and Leadership Training Materials and Packages. The Specialised Training Materials (STMs) comprise of training materials on skills required for effective performance in peace operations for specific functions or employment categories (e.g. military experts on missions or political affairs officers). Reinforcement Training Package (RTP) comprises of training materials related to a priority cross-cutting thematic area relevant to a specific category of personnel deployed or are to be deployed in missions mandated to carry out tasks related to this area. Leadership Training refers to training programmes delivered to specifically enhance the knowledge and skills of actual or potential senior peace operations leaders.
Comprises of specialized training materials (mainly used by instructors/trainers), which focus on specialized areas/topics or groups, especially priority areas of mandate implementation such as CRSV; related to a specific function or employment category engaged in DPO-led or DOS-supported peacekeeping operations (e.g. military or police experts on mission, political affairs officers, movement control personnel) that constitute the pre-deployment knowledge and skills required for effective performance on mission.
In conducting training with these STMs, it is essential to begin with the Core Pre-deployment Training Materials (CPTMs) which are intended to provide all peacekeeping personnel (military, police and civilian) with a shared understanding of the basic principles, guidelines and policies of UN peacekeeping to ensure coherence in United Nations mandate implementation.
List of Specialised Training Materials
Reinforcement Training Packages (RTP) comprise of training materials for (a) strengthening priority cross-cutting thematic area relevant to a specific category of the personnel deployed or are to be deployed in missions mandated to carry out tasks related to the area or (b) enhancing skills in certain areas of specialisation.
List of Reinforcement Training Packages:
Leadership Training refers to training programmes delivered to enhance the knowledge and skills of actual or potential senior peacekeeping leaders. Two leadership training courses available to both civilian and uniformed leaders are the Senior Mission Leaders' (SML) course (offered primarily to potential leaders) and the Senior Leadership Programme (SLP), intended to be undertaken as mandatory training by all newly appointed senior staff at Director (D-2) level and above, within the first six months of their appointment. Two other courses offered to civilian personnel serving mostly at the P-4, P-5 and D-1 levels, include the Enhanced Training for High-level Operational Support (ETHOS) Programme and the Mission Advanced Staff Training (MAST). A United Nations Force Commanders and Deputy Force Commanders Course (UNFDC) is also offered to Heads and Deputy Heads of Military Components.
Senior Mission Leaders' (SML) |
Senior Misson Leaders is a ten-day not mandatory programme conducted by DPO twice a year in conjunction with a host Member State. Course Objectives: The course is designed to prepare participants to assume roles and responsibilities associated with serving as a member of a mission’s leadership team, including such roles as Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG), Deputy SRSG, Force Commander, Police Commissioner, Director of Mission Support, or Chief of Staff. The course is also intended to deepen the understanding of Member State officials of contemporary United Nations peacekeeping missions. Target Audience: Member States nominees/ UN staff with civilian, police and military backgrounds; Director Level 1 equivalent and higher; 26 participants per course. Participation: By nomination from Member States
United Nations Force Commanders and Deputy Force Commanders Course (UNFDC) |
The United Nations Force Commanders and Deputy Force Commanders Course (UNFDC) for Heads of Military Components (HOMC) is designed to prepare appointed/ designated HOMCs so as to enable them to discharge their duties and responsibilities with maximum proficiency in UN Peacekeeping Operations. This course will be primarily in a lecture/briefing format delivered by selected mentor(s) and subject matter experts (SME), which encourages the active participation of the trainee(s). Course Objectives: The objective is to improve the participant(s)’ understanding of the structure, institutional context and processes of UN peacekeeping missions and to help them apply their professional skills/tools of command and control, leadership, planning and decision-making, working with other components, personnel management, crisis management etc. Target Audience: UN Force Commanders and Deputy Force Commanders Participation: By invitation from the Office of Military Affairs (OMA)
Senior Leadership Programme (SLP) |
The programme is a mandatory five-day course intended to provide newly appointed senior leaders in field missions with an orientation on peacekeeping issues, such as the main challenges faced by senior leadership and the relationship between field missions and UN HQ. Course Objectives: The main objective of the programme is to focus specifically on the key strategic challenges that senior leaders confront in their missions, as well as on possible tools available to face these challenges Target Audience: UN Staff members (D-2 and above) Participation: By nomination from DPO/DPPA and Mission HQ
Enhanced Training for High-level Operational Support (ETHOS) Programme |
The Enhanced Training for High-level Operational Support (ETHOS) Programme is organised by the Capacity Development and Operational Training Service (CDOTS/OSO/DOS) and the Integrated Training Service (ITS/DPET/DPO). The programme is developed in order to foster the growth of a pool of middle and senior managers better empowered with expertise and skills to support mandate delivery. The ETHOS programme consists of three main components: a) three self-paced e-learning modules (Foundation, Planning, and Implementation). b) interactive webinars. c) a final face-to-face workshop. Course Objectives-The ETHOS is designed to strengthen the capacity of managers to address operational challenges in a multi-faceted operating environment and focus on empowerment integration of operational solutions and problem-solving in order to better provide support to operational challenges. Target Audience- It is envisioned for staff serving at the FS7, P4 and P5 levels, working mostly in administrative or operational support matters, drawn from field missions and other UN entities. Participation-By nomination from Mission and HQ. |
Mission Advanced Staff Training (MAST) Programme |
The MAST is to build a pool of candidates with advanced leadership, management, analytical, and interpersonal skills that are reflective of the United Nations’ values, who can function effectively within the Mission Leadership Team (MLT) and provide strategic advice and guidance to the Head of Mission (HoM) and their MLTs while managing complex activities in support of mandate implementation, in cooperation with stakeholders, and the day-to-day running of the mission. Course Objectives: The objectives of the programme are to prepare staff to be able to provide strategic advice to HoM on the role of various support functions on achieving the mission mandate, think strategically in translating mission mandates into operational programmes and demonstrate leadership in upholding the highest standards of conduct and accountability in the areas of procurement, financial management and budgeting, human resource management, and mission planning. Target Audience: Senior support staff (P5-D1), drawn from both field missions and HQ Participation: By nomination from Mission and HQ |
United Nations Police Commander Course (UNPCC) |
The United Nations Police Commanders Course is a ten-day programme designed to prepare appointed or potential UN Heads of Police Components and other senior UN police officers to exercise their functions as leaders in UN police components and members of the mission senior management team. The course is conducted once a year in partnership with the UN Police Division. Course Objectives: The course prepares participants to command UN police components within field missions as an element of an integrated approach to mandate implementation. The course is conducted in accordance with and follows the UN Police Strategic Guidance Framework for international police peace operations. Target Audience: Appointed or potential Police Commissioners (D2), Deputy Police Commissioners (D1) and senior UN police leaders (P5). Participation: Upon invitation from the Police Division, a maximum of 16 participants |
Functional Training which comprises different packages of Specialised Training Materials, Reinforcement and Leadership Training, is delivered by ITS teams for different categories of peacekeeping personnel in accordance with General Assembly resolution A/RES/49/37 (1995)