Generic, specialized and, where appropriate, mission-specific peacekeeping training that is based on United Nations standards and takes place prior to actual deployment to a UN mission. This training is delivered by Member States trainers to all military and police personnel/units in their home countries and by the Integrated Training Service (ITS) of the United Nations for civilian personnel up to Director (D-1) level. According to General Assembly Resolution A/RES/49/37 (1995), Member States have the responsibility for delivery of pre-deployment training for uniformed personnel deploying to UN operations, and the ITS is responsible for developing training materials and offering guidance and assistance to Member States.
The Core Pre-deployment Training Materials (CPTM) represent the essential knowledge required by all peacekeeping personnel – military, police and civilians – to function effectively in a UN peacekeeping operation. The materials should be used as the core resource for any UN pre-deployment training course. The CPTM is intended to provide a shared understanding of the basic principles, guidelines and policies of UN peacekeeping. These standards guide peacekeeping personnel as they carry out critical tasks to assist countries in the transition from conflict to peace. CPTM 2017 has been updated with a strengthened curriculum. This includes cross-cutting themes and priorities such as conduct and discipline, sexual exploitation and abuse, the protection of civilians, human rights, gender mainstreaming, conflict-related sexual violence, child protection, and environmental protection.
Pre-Deployment Training on COVID-19
The Division of Healthcare Management and Occupational Safety and Health of the Department of Operational Support has developed the United Nations COVID 19 Pre-deployment awareness training (UN C-PAT) to equip all UN personnel including peacekeepers with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and their colleagues from COVID 19 infections. On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared that Covid-19 can be characterized as a pandemic. Given the number of cases of Covid-19 that have been diagnosed in UN Missions and the fact that the pandemic is not likely to be under control at a predictable time in the future, it is important that all UN personnel are equipped with the tools to understand the disease and how to respond when deployed in a mission. This training is based on the guidance issued by the World Health Organization, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The materials include a handbook for the students and an instructor manual for face-to-face training. There are a total of 8 modules and each module is comprised of multiple assessable learning outcomes. All modules contain skills and activities that are required to be demonstrated to an established standard.
All Member States who conduct Pre-deployment training are urged to ensure that the training includes the Pre-deployment COVID19 training (UN C-PAT). Instructor and Student Manuals for the same can be found below.
An application-based learning platform has also been developed for both the IOS and Android users. The name of the app is UNCOVID-19. This app will function without the need for internet once it has been downloaded on a phone. The app is available in both English and French. It is highly recommended that all personnel are encouraged to download this app after they have completed the face-to-face training.
The Civilian Pre-deployment Training (CPT) course is one of the primary tools used by peacekeeping operations to generate competent, institutionally knowledgeable, and ethically aware civilian peacekeepers capable of serving in dangerous and complex environments.
DPO and DOS are responsible for providing CPT to civilian staff selected for field missions. Pre-deployment training is essential for newly deployed civilian staff. It enhances readiness, safety and security awareness as well as knowledge of field conditions and fundamental peacekeeping policies and procedures. In addition, it ensures that newly deployed staff integrate safely and quickly into missions.
CPT is mandatory for the following categories of civilian personnel:
Course Objectives:
Location: United Nations Regional Service, Entebbe, Uganda
This UN Pre-deployment Training Standards is targeted at all military personnel selected by Member States to be individually deployed as Military Experts on Mission in UN peacekeeping operations.
Military Experts on Mission are selected by the Member States and must satisfy the selection criteria set by DPO Office of Military Affairs (OMA). Military Experts on Mission officers selected for service in a UN peacekeeping operation are expected to be well trained, experienced and of the highest professional standards.
Please click to access and download Core Pre-deployment Training Materials (EN)
UN Police officers are contributed by a large number of countries, with differing policing systems, training and specializations. In order to support the individual police officer to adjust to the challenges of new and different living and working conditions in a peacekeeping operation, UN DPO, the Integrated Training Service developed pre-deployment training standards for UN Police.
These UN Pre-deployment Training Standards are part of the UN’s commitment to ensuring that all peacekeeping personnel are properly prepared for peacekeeping operations as outlined in General Assembly Resolution (A/RES/49/37) and the Selection Standards and Training Guidelines for United Nations Civilian Police (1997).
The UN Pre-deployment Training Standards apply to all individual police deployed to UN peacekeeping operations.
Please click below to access and download the Pre-deployment Training Materials for Police.
Member States are responsible for delivering the pre-deployment training (PDT) to all personnel provided to United Nations peacekeeping operations, in accordance with General Assembly resolution A/RES/49/37. The curriculum should be based on UN peacekeeping pre-deployment training standards and materials, that ITS develops and updates.