PeaceKeeping Resource Hub STM

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Specialised Training Materials - UN Police Officers

Specialised Training Materials for UN Police Officers - 2021

Specialised Training Materials (STM) for United Nations Police Officers in UN Peace Operations (UNPOL STM 2021)

The Specialised Training Materials for UN Police 2021 (UNPOL STM 2021) provide police-contributing countries with a standardised training package that prepares their officers for duties in UN Peace Operations, Strategic Guidance Framework-related aspects, UN-policing concepts, Protection of Civilians and Human Rights prior to their deployment.

The training aims at turning capable Police Officers into competent Peacekeepers who can

  • Fulfil Police aspects of UN Peace Operations mandates in accordance with DPO/DOS principles and guidelines and their underlying international legal standards;

  • Perform their Police functions in an effective, professional, and integrated manner; and

  • Demonstrate the core values and competencies of the United Nations.

The UN Specialised Pre-deployment Training Standards apply to all Individual Police Officers (IPO) selected by the Member States who meet the selection criteria set by DPO Police Division (PD).

Training Standards for Formed Police Units (FPU) are provided separately.

The UNPOL STM 2021 consist of:

  • Trainer’s Guide – Overview of the course, learning methodologies and learning evaluation (in Annex A)
  • Lessons – Facilitator guides, lesson logistics, slide images and activity directions (one for each lesson)
  • Presentation Slides – Key concepts and graphics to enhance learning, some slides have animations upon click (one set for each lesson)
  • Carana Activity Workbook – Scenarios and directions for Carana activities, the capstone exercise, space for reflection, and the pre- and post-course self-confidence surveys
  • Facilitator version with expected responses and notes to guide discussions and activities
  • Participant version
  • Additional documents for the Carana exercises
  • Pre- and post-course knowledge assessment – Knowledge test consisting of 17 questions covering all 11 STM lessons
    • Facilitator version with the correct answers
    • Participant version

Click below to download the files