PeaceKeeping Resource Hub STM

Peacekeeping Resource Hub (STM)

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Integrated Training Service
DPET/DPO, United Nations

For any proposal of update or improvement of this package, or any questions pertaining to the training materials, please contact the project leader Mr. Rafael Barbieri ( or write to

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Specialised Training Materials - UN Military Explosive Ordnance Disposal

STM for United Nations Military Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit


The UN Department of Peace Operations has developed a suite of training packages to prepare peacekeepers for their deployment in missions. Amongst these packages is the Specialised Training Materials for specific United Nations Military Units (UNMU). The Office of Military Affairs has developed Military Unit Manuals (UNMUM) and Handbooks designed to provide unit and sub-unit commanders, as well as, peacekeeping staff and other personnel with references how to prepare specific military units to undertake their tasks in United Nations peacekeeping operations. These documents provide a baseline of military doctrine for these training materials. Additionally, the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) has developed a suite of lessons contained in Annex D as supplemental/reinforcing training materials/packet to this STM. These lessons are an introductory overview for a more substantial technical UNMAS collection of 92 separate training blocks of instruction for Peacekeeping forces. Lessons cover Conventional Munitions Disposal (CMD) and IED Disposal (IEDD) competencies for dedicated Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and IEDD forces deploying in a peacekeeping environment.

These training materials aim to provide troop-contributing countries with a comprehensive training package that combines the Conceptual, Legal, and Operational Frameworks for specific type units. The STMs also mainstream relevant aspects of the Protection of Civilians into frameworks/material. The STM includes small exercises, as well as, a more comprehensive scenario-based exercise, which can be run at the end of a course to strengthen participants’ understanding how better to operate in a UN Peacekeeping environment. The training packages are designed for application in both pre-deployment and in-mission training.

Target Audiences 
The priority target audience of this STM package is military decision-makers, staff officers, and tactical level unit leaders. However, leadership at all levels that supervise, support and coordinate with the specific unit may benefit from this material.

Training Materials

STM for United Nations Military Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit

Annex A

Annex B.

Annex C.

Annex D.

Annex E. Reference - EOD Unit Manual.pdf

Full Packages

* Kindly provide feedback on the IED training materials to the email: UNMAS Mobile Training Team

IED Threat Mitigation Posters - Click to Download