PeaceKeeping Resource Hub STM

Peacekeeping Resource Hub (STM)

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Specialised Training Materials - UN Military Staff Officers

Specialised Training Materials - UN Military Staff Officers


The aim of this Specialised Training Material for Military Staff Officers is to support the pre-deployment training efforts of Troop Contributing Countries by providing UN DPKO/DFS training standards to ensure a common military approach to work at Force and Sector levels in UN peacekeeping missions.

Target audience

This STM targets all military personnel selected by Member States to be deployed as Military Staff Officers in UN peacekeeping operations. Military Staff Officers are required to have at least completed their national basic military staff course.

Training Objectives

The training objectives of the STM for Military Staff Officers are to generally prepare the participants for duties in a peacekeeping operation so they can:

  • Contribute efficiently to implement military aspects of UN peacekeeping mandates in accordance with DPKO/DFS principles and guidelines including the Force Headquarters (FHQ) handbook;
  • Perform their military functions in an effective, professional and integrated manner; and
  • Demonstrate the core values and competencies of the United Nations.

Presentations by Module