PeaceKeeping Resource Hub STM

Peacekeeping Resource Hub (STM)

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Integrated Training Service
DPET/DPO, United Nations

For any proposal of update or improvement of this package, or any questions pertaining to the training materials, please contact the project leader Mr. Rafael Barbieri ( or write to

Specialised Training Materials - UN Military Units

STM UNMU - Military Engineers Units

Module 1 provides an overview of the conceptual framework related to ENGRS operating in a UN PKO to support and help contribute towards a successful achievement of the Mandate. It also examines the nature and characteristics of ENGRS and their support to forces in UN Missions.

The aim of this module is to familiarize participants with the:

  • Overview, concept, and capabilities of UN Military Engineer Units (ENGRS)
  • Nature and characteristics of ENGRS
  • Support relationships and support framework
  • Differences and similarities between Construction Engineer Units and Combat Engineer Units
  • Flexibility and adaptability of ENGRS units
  • ENGRS roles and responsibilities supporting UN Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKO)

Learning Objectives

Learners will:

  • Describe the capabilities and characteristics of UN ENGRS
  • Explain the ENGRS framework and key concepts
  • Understand the roles of different types of ENGRS
  • Describe the principles of ENGRS support

Click here to download UN Military Engineer Units STM

* Kindly provide feedback on the IED training materials to the email: UNMAS Mobile Training  Team

Click here to download the full package via zip file.