PeaceKeeping Resource Hub STM

Peacekeeping Resource Hub (STM)

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Integrated Training Service
DPET/DPO, United Nations

For any proposal of update or improvement of this package, or any questions pertaining to the training materials, please contact the project leader Mr. Rafael Barbieri ( or write to

Specialised Training Materials

Specialised Training Materials

Comprises of specialized training materials (mainly used by instructors/trainers), which focus on specialized areas/topics or groups, especially priority areas of mandate implementation such as Protection of Civilians (POC), Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) and Child Protection (CP); related to a specific function or employment category engaged in DPO-led or DOS-supported peacekeeping operations (e.g. military or police experts on mission, political affairs officers, movement control personnel) that constitute the pre-deployment knowledge and skills required for effective performance on mission.

In conducting training with these STMs, it is essential to begin with the Core Pre-deployment Training Materials (CPTMs) which are intended to provide all peacekeeping personnel (military, police and civilian) with a shared understanding of the basic principles, guidelines and policies of UN peacekeeping to ensure coherence in United Nations mandate implementation. 


List of Specialised Training Materials

STM | Formation Spécialisée | Capacitación Especializada | التدريب المتخصص | 专门培训 | Специализированная учебная подготовка

RTP | Approfondissement des Compétences | Capacitación de Refuerzo | التدريب التعزيزي | 强化培训 | Повышение уровня подготовки