Welcome to the ITS update. This electronic newsletter, issued three times per year, provides updates on enhancing peacekeeping activities, upcoming training of trainer’s courses, and on the development of training materials. It also offers direct access to the UN Core Pre-deployment Training Materials (CPTM) and Specialized Training Materials (STMs). ITS develops training standards, guidance (policies, SOPs, guidelines, manuals, and handbooks) and materials; develops and delivers cross-cutting peacekeeping training; oversees peacekeeping training activities; and provides technical support. |
Training Materials Development Update |
Update on the Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials for all UN Peacekeepers
In early October 2024, the Integrated Training Service (ITS) held a pilot course on the Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials (CPTM) at the UN Regional Service Centre Entebbe (RSCE). The CPTM contains the foundational knowledge required by all UN personnel serving in peacekeeping operations and is required for UN pre-deployment training of all UN personnel: military, police, and civilians. The updated CPTM was validated by Member States in a workshop in June 2024 and includes 34 lessons with supporting materials. The lessons have been grouped based on content and learning support materials have been enhanced to better assist the trainer. The 2024 CPTM will be available for download on the UN Peacekeeping Resource Hub in early 2025. Rollout to troop- and police-contributing countries will begin in the first half of 2025 with training of trainers sessions organized for countries from the Africa and Asia and Pacific regions. The call for nominations information is available below.
Review of the UN Infantry Battalions Specialized Training Materials
ITS is currently updating the UN Infantry Battalion (UNIBAT) specialized training material (STM) in cooperation with the Office of Military Affairs (OMA). The UNIBAT STM aims to provide TCCs with a comprehensive training package for infantry battalions and companies as well as other UN military units with infantry capabilities. The updated UNIBAT STM is expected to be available on the Peacekeeping Resource Hub in March 2025.
Review of the UN Staff Officers Specialized Training Materials
ITS is reviewing the UN Staff Officers (UNSO) specialized training materials (STM) and has completed two review workshops and one pilot workshop with Member State and UN experts. The UNSO STM review will update the knowledge and skills required by military staff officers to function effectively in a Force HQ and Sector HQ. The review is moving into its final stage, and the new material is expected to be published in the first half of 2025.
Upcoming Training of Trainer Courses |
UN Police Commanders Course in Kenya
ITS will conduct a UN Police Commanders Course (UNPCC) in Nairobi, Kenya from 13 to 24 January 2025 for Member State national trainers from the UN missions and the UN Police Senior Leadership Roster. The course will ensure that appointed or potential Heads of Police Components (HOPCs) and other senior UN police leaders possess the core competencies required to carry out their roles as leaders within the police component and as members of the mission senior management team.
UN Military Staff Officers Training of Trainers at the UN Global Service Centre, Italy
ITS will conduct a UN Military Staff Officers (UNSO) training of trainers course in Brindisi, Italy from 17 to 28 February 2025 for Member State national trainers from Americas and Europe regions. The course supports the pre-deployment training efforts of troop contributing countries (TCCs) by providing UN training standards to ensure a common military approach to work at Force and Sector levels in UN peacekeeping missions. The call for nominations will be sent out in early January 2025.
Addressing Mis/Disinformation and Hate Speech Training of Trainers Course in Austria
ITS will conduct an Addressing Mis/Disinformation and Hate Speech (MDH) Threats in UN Peace Operations for Military and Police Units course in Reichenau, Austria from 10 to 21 March 2025 for Member State national trainers from Africa, Americas, Asia and Pacific and Europe regions. The course aims to strengthen participants’ understanding of MDH and the associated threats within UN peacekeeping operations. The call for nominations is currently open and will close on 20 January 2025.
Rollout of the Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials in Kenya and the Republic of Korea
Supported by the Government of Denmark, ITS will conduct trainings of trainers on the new updated Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials (CPTM) in Kenya and the Republic of Korea.
Formed Police Units Training of Trainers Course at CoESPU
ITS will conduct a Formed Police Unit (FPU) training of trainers course at the Centre of Excellence for Stability Policy Units (CoESPU) in Vicenza, Italy from 7 May to 8 July 2025 for Member State national trainers from the Africa, Asia and Pacific and Europe regions. The course provides Member States with a comprehensive training on the conceptual, legal and operational policing issues while mainstreaming aspect of protection of civilians, gender, security risk management (SRM) and improvised explosive device (IED) safety. The call for nominations will be sent on 3 February 2025 and will close on 28 February 2025.
Mastering UN Peace and Security Data |
The Information Management Unit (IMU) of the Department of Peace Operations (DPO) and the Department of Peacebuilding and Political Affairs (DPPA) will conduct an online training course on mastering the UN Peace and Security (P&S) Data Hub for analysis on 14 January 2014 from 9.30am to 10.30am EST. The data on the platform is public facing and used by the UN, Member States, journalists, training partners, academia and think tanks. As the number of datasets on the platform grow, the Hub relies on an active user-base to provide feedback, direction and priorities.
The online course will include:
To register for the course, please click here. For more information, please email almaleh@un.org and psdata@un.org.
Light Coordination Mechanism Online System |
The Light Coordination Mechanism (LCM)Online System (LCMOS) was launched in January 2024 and provides Member States a secure space to share their military and police peacekeeping training and capacity-building activities. The online system helps the LCM track training capacities and partnerships, identify cooperation opportunities and alert users to activity conflicts and new UN training standards. Please contact the LCM at dpo-lcm@un.org for more information.
Pre-Deployment Training Materials |
UN Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials (CPTM) - English
Reinforcement Training Packages (RTPs)
Comprehensive Protection of Civilians (CPOC) Package for UN Military - English | French | Spanish
Comprehensive Protection of Civilians (CPOC) Package for UN Police - English
Child Protection for UN Police - Arabic | English | French
Child Protection for UN Military - English | French
RTP for UN Military Peacekeeping-Intelligence Officers – English | French | Spanish
RTP for UN Operational Logistics (OPLOG) – English
RTP for UN Peacekeeping-Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (PKISR) – English
RTP for UN Engagement Platoon (UNEP) – English | French
RTP for UN Military Gender Advisors (UNMGA) – English | French
RTP for UN Force Protection for Military and Police Units – English
RTP for UN Field Medical Assistant Course - English | French
RTP for the UN Military and Police Units on Addressing Misinformation, Disinformation, Malinformation, and Hate Speech Threats in the UN Peace Operations - English
Specialised Training Materials (STMs)
STM for National Investigation Officers - English
STM for UN Military Observers - English | French
STM for UN Military Staff Officers - English
STMs for UN Military Units - English
(Force HQ; Maritime; Aviation; Engineers; Logistics; Police; Riverine; Signals; Transport; Special Forces; and Explosive Ordnance Disposal)
STM on Infantry Battalions - English
STM for UN Police Officers - English | Arabic | French
STM for Formed Police Units - English
STM on UN Civil-Military Coordination - Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
STM for Child Protection Staff in United Nations Peace Operations – English | French
STM on Conflict-Related Sexual Violence - English
STM on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Personnel - English | French
STM on Training of Trainers - English | French
STM on UN Weapons and Ammunition Management in Peace Operations - English
COVID-19 UN Pre-deployment Training Materials - English|French
UN Buddy First Aid App |
The UN Buddy First Aid mobile application is available in English, French and Spanish. The app outlines the UN standards for essential first aid skills required by all UN peacekeepers. Troop- and police-contributing countries (T/PCCs) are encouraged to have their military and police personnel install this application on their mobile device or tablets before deployment. The Buddy First Aid app is available for download on the Apple store and Google play.
Deployment Review Digital Toolkit |
The Deployment Review Digital Toolkit is a mobile application to enhance the impact of UN peacekeeping operations through the collection and sharing of best practices related to uniformed capabilities. The app includes lessons-learned methodology and platform to assist troop- and police-contributing countries (T/PCCs) establish and develop their own lessons-learning processes, facilitating knowledge-sharing among deployed personnel.
Member States can capture, analyse, review the successes, innovations, and challenges from their operational experiences to improve the training preparation and support phases of deployment, improve performance and mandate delivery, and increase the safety and security of their personnel.
The app does not collect user data, making it a safe and user-friendly digital toolkit to complement existing information-sharing systems and can serve as a blueprint for systems that are yet to be developed. To download, scan the QR code with your mobile device. For more information, please contact the Light Coordination Mechanism (LCM) at dpo-lcm@un.org.
Military and Police Advisers Community |
The Office of Military Affairs manages the contact information of Military and Police Advisers. In order to ensure we have the most up-to-date information we request that you email us at omahub@un.org. Please include the full name, title, email and phone numbers for all contacts you are updating.
The standards, guidance and training materials within this update can all be accessed via the direct links above and are hosted on the UN Peacekeeping Resource Hub. If you have questions about the Integrated Training Service and its activities, please email peacekeeping-training@un.org |