Peacekeeping Resource Hub: CPTM

Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials - Module 1

Module 1: An Overview of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations

Module 1 focuses on ‘An Overview of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations’ to answer the questions: What is the UN? What is UN peacekeeping? Who are we as peacekeeping personnel? Why are we deployed to a country? Who else do we work with? It gives a snapshot of UN peacekeeping as a tool to address violent conflict.

Please click the title of the document to download the section of the training materials. To access the slides, you will be taken to another webpage where you must click “Open/View” to download, and then select “Read Only”.

Lesson 1.1:     United Nations Peacekeeping     

Lesson 1.5:     Security Council  Mandates in Practice

Lesson 1.2:     Peace and Security Activities

Lesson 1.6:     How Peacekeeping Operations Work

Lesson 1.3:     Principles of United Nations Peacekeeping

Lesson 1.7:     Working As One in the Mission

Lesson 1.4:     Legal Framework for United Nations

Lesson 1.8:     Mission Partners